Project Healing Waters and Ruana Knives

Project healing waters is one of the great organizations of our time. They do so many great things for our wounded vets and help them with the healing process through fly fishing. How cool is that? Over the years I have gotten to know many of the great people who volunteer their time making this organization as great as it is today and I feel honored to call them friends. That is why it is no surprise to me to see the good folks over at Ruana Knives doing their part. This long time family run business has been a pillar in the community since 1938! Pretty impressive and great to see this 100% American made company surviving and doing well. They have recently introduced a new line of knives they call Americana. Great looking knives and they are donating money back to Project Healing Waters from the sales of their Americana Smoke Jumper knife. Back Cover Knife with Uncle Dave 4  Pretty darn cool. This is why I love American small businesses. They have a heart and a soul. They care about every product they send out and they take care of those who protect our freedom.

I encourage everyone to support Ruana Knives and to help out Project Healing Waters with the purchase of one of these great Smoke Jumper knives. You will end up with a knife you love while helping out an American company and a non profit organization that helps our vets. It doesn’t get much better than that!