Father’s Day Guide Trip

I get the chance to guide Joe Goodman every time he is in Montana. I very much look forward to these outings, so when he told me he was treating himself to a fathers day guide trip I was very excited to hear the news! Joe is a hardcore fisherman. He will go non stop from sun up to sun down and he always, no matter what the conditions are, has fun! Sunday was no exception. The day started out a bit slow, but the afternoon hatch provided us with a lot of fish rising to mayflies and caddis! By the end of the day we had more than our fair share of fish to the net with 3 big fish leaving with our flies in their mouths! Lots of laughs and lots of smiles and that is what it is all about!

Joe and a beast 2

Joe and a beast

Joe and a dry fly brown

Joe and another dry fly brown