365 days of pictures day 9

Took a drive up Rock Creek today. Was expecting it to be iced over like the Clark Fork so left all the gear at home. Big mistake...not iced over and looking great! Might need to go and check it again on Monday... … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 8…

Lots of grey days in Missoula this past week have made it a challenge to find a photo worth taking. Thank God for fly shops! The bins at the Grizzly Hackle looked prime for spring fishing. Rubber legs anyone? … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 7….

As some of you know, I am also a real estate agent and my specialty is fishing properties.  My buddy Mike is looking for a fishing property and yesterday we went and looked at a pretty sweet one! A couple of trout ponds, Tin Cup creek, and peace and quiet. Just what the doctor ordered! Pictured … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 6….

Breweries are some of my favorite gathering spots to plan a fishing trip. Got the chance to visit Missoula ' s newest oldest brewery yesterday to do just that! Good to have you back, Highlander! … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 5….

Fly fishing has introduced me to so many good great people over the years, but none quite as funny as my buddy Hank Patterson!  His new movie premieres at the Wilma Theater in Missoula on January 16th. It is sure to be a great night with lots of laughes and you will even have a chance to make fun … [Read more...]