365 Days of pictures day 61…

Always good to see a fish in the net. Even better when you get to release them and watch them swim away.  … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 60…

The colors are pretty amazing when you stop and take notice. Most the time we are in a hurry and we just blast on by without taking a second look. This whole 365 days of pictures has caused me to slow down and look for the little details we usually blast by. This old stump is one of those details. … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 59…

Long day topped off with a great concert. Sam Bush rocked the house at the Wilma tonight! Terrible picture... did I mention it was a long day? … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 58…

Milltown State Park is one of my new favorite places in the Missoula area. It has hiking trails, two rivers, tons of wildlife, fish, and even an over look with some historical facts. This place used to be a toxic waste land, but thanks to the Clark Fork Coalition, Trout Unlimited, and so many … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 57…

Yesterday's trip down the river was good for the soul. A much needed break from the "real world". Today it is pouring down rain. Lesson learned?  Always listen to your heart when it wants to play hookie from the "real world". Tomorrow might just be rainy... … [Read more...]