Hard to beat summer evenings in Montana. 9pm on the deck is about picture perfect! … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 155…
Hard to believe it is early June. The weather has been ridiculously nice out. Really hope for more rain, but it is pretty hard to complain about a day like this! … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 154…
Quite a few of the big bugs on the river yesterday. The fish seemed stuffed with the nymphs so it was hard getting them to eat, but we managed to convince some that it was the right thing to do! Amazing how fat some of them were! … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 153…
This is a ranch I want to visit. My yellow lab, Riley, lives a pretty good life. So to see a ranch that claims to be his life? Yeah, I gotta see that! … [Read more...]