Something you don't see every day on the river. Was pretty cool to watch! Another great day with Harold and Jana. Hope to keep it going again tomorrow! … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 195…
Great day on the river with a great couple! Our view...never bad. 3 more days with them. Stay tuned! … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 194…
There are not many people I would wake up at 3:30am for to take fishing. This guy is one of them. My vet, Patti Prato, does a fundraiser every year to raise money for Missoula youth homes and has done an amazing job! This year she raised over $60,000!!! So, I let my long time friend and client know … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 193…
Not a cloud in the sky....ok, there was one. Just one. … [Read more...]
365 days of pictures day 192…
Today's sunset. Picture didn't do this one justice. A very fitting end to a beautiful Montana day. … [Read more...]