365 days of pictures day 196…

Something you don't see every day on the river. Was pretty cool to watch! Another great day with Harold and Jana. Hope to keep it going again tomorrow! … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 195…

Great day on the river with a great couple! Our view...never bad. 3 more days with them. Stay tuned! … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 194…

There are not many people I would wake up at 3:30am for to take fishing. This guy is one of them. My vet, Patti Prato, does a fundraiser every year to raise money for Missoula youth homes and has done an amazing job! This year she raised over $60,000!!! So, I let my long time friend and client know … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 193…

Not a cloud in the sky....ok, there was one. Just one. … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 192…

Today's sunset. Picture didn't do this one justice. A very fitting end to a beautiful Montana day. … [Read more...]