365 days of pictures day 249…

September 11th 2001…the day the world changed. I watched live on my TV as the second plane crashed into the twin towers. I cried…so many innocent people died and so many stepped up to the plate to protect us! Policemen, firemen, and our US Armed forces. They did it unconditionally, unselfishly…they did it because they cared about people, freedoms, and because they cared! They don’t give a shit about your race or your religion or even who you want to marry. They care about this great country of ours….our world we live in and the rights of those who live in it. We should never take these great people…heros for granted. They literally put their lives on the line for us daily. They don’t question it they just DO! Respect them…love them…thank them…because without them we lose. Thank you all who have and continue to serve this great country. I will NEVER forget your sacrifice!